Friday, December 13, 2013
Pregnancy 28 Weeks - ATT Injection (Anti Tetanus) @ Suntikan Kancing Gigi
Its been a long time i'm not having injection. Yesterday i got injection during my by weekly checkup. Starting pregnancy 28 weeks, checkup frequency will be twice a month or every 2 weeks.
Why we need to take this ATT vaccine?
The Tetanus Toxiod (TT) vaccine is given during your pregnancy to prevent tetanus to you as well as your baby. Antibodies formed in your body, after the vaccination, are passed on to your baby and protect her for a few months after the birth. it also helps prevent premature delivery.
For 1st baby we need at least 2 injection. So i'm still need to take my 2nd may be next 2 weeks or 4 weeks. Just a small dosage and you will not fill the pain right after the injection but later or soon your arms will start to numb. For my case I'm start to feel around 1 hour later. This morning the injection area looks red. I hope it will recover soon. huhuhu.
And starting 28 weeks pregnancy also moms start to count baby movement. From 9am-9pm. The movement count should be at least 10 counts. If less, moms need to have doc intention because the baby might twisted with his cord ( tali pusat) during the movement. I bet i'll count more than 10 because my bb movement so active and become more active during night time. =)
Those movement going to tell you how lucky you are to be selected among the rest to have a chance to get pregnant, go through pregnancy feeling and soon or later you going to feel it inside your arms. How grateful feeling to be a moms and looking to your baby smile. I can't wait to feel it by myself.
Hoping the best to my baby and our small family to be. =)
Monday, December 9, 2013
88 days to go!!!
days to go!!!
Our lucky number 88 today while waiting our sweet heart to came out! Hoping this will be a bless to another path of our life. =)
Friday, November 22, 2013
5 months pregnancy
My 2nd love...
An appointment with doctor for 5 months baby scan really take my breath away. Its miracle to see a baby inside my womb. Nearly drop a tears when saw he moving. Taking the bones length growth was undeniable thought that he was growing slowly day by day with me.
Can't wait to hold him in my arms. Warmest hug I want to give. The softest touch on his skin. The best smile to make he feel the love. Mama & Papa can't wait to hold you sweet heart!
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
My sister Convocation at UiTM Shah Alam, Selangor
huh! new update about this weekend.
I manage to accompany my sister to celebrate her Diploma Convocation at Dewan Agong Tunku Chaselor, UiTM Shah Alam, Selangor. Now she still future her study for degree in Finance and hopefully this time she will grab the Vice Chancellor Award.
huh! new update about this weekend.
I manage to accompany my sister to celebrate her Diploma Convocation at Dewan Agong Tunku Chaselor, UiTM Shah Alam, Selangor. Now she still future her study for degree in Finance and hopefully this time she will grab the Vice Chancellor Award.
Congratulation INTAN!!!
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Resepi Bihun Goreng Singapore Simple!
Hi & Assalamualaikum,
Harini Lina nk share recipe Bihun Goreng Singapore yang simple! Alhamdulillah, klau en suami makan bertambah la. hehehe.
Menu ni Lina masak untuk 2-3 orang ye. Maklum la keluarga kecik lagi.
Bahan-bahan A
3 ulas bawang putih
1 ulas bawah besar merah
10 biji cili padi (suami Lina suka pedas, so kena extra cili.)
Tumbuk bahan A- (tumbuk lagi sedap dari blander. ikut kemahuan anda k. =)
Bahan -bahan B
2 inch lobak merah - dihiris memanjang
1/2 pack bihun - di rendam dlm air suam ( jgn terlalu panas air ye nnt bihun terlalu lembik)
1/2 ketul dada ayam- dipotong kecil2 ( Lina slalu beli bahagian dada yg siap potong kat Mydin, mudah nk masak. hehe)
2 ekor sotong - dihiris.
Bahan-bahan perasa
1/2 sudu teh serbuk lada hitam
1 sudu teh garam
3 sudu besar sos tiram
Tumis Bahan-bahan A sehingga naik bau atau nmpk bawang putih dh kekuningan sedikit. Masukkan ayam dan sotong dan sedikit air. Air ni letak sbb nk bagi ayam dan sotong masak at the same time tak nak bwng2 tdi kering hangus. Bila ayam nmpk berubah warna dari daging mentah ke warna putih masukkan bihun dan bahan- bahan perasa. Gaul sebati. Kecil kan api untuk bia bihun masak. last masuk kan hirisan lobak.
Selamat Mencuba!
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
DIY Bilik Pengantin 2013
Hi B2B,
Harini nak kongsi pengalaman dan cara-cara Lina gunakan untuk decor bilik pengatin yang Lina buat DIY je. =) Sebab kekangan kesihatan mak yang xberapa sihat, pelamin terpaksa dibatalkan tapi kami amek keputusan buat majlis simple but memorable. So just hias bilik pengantin utk kawan dtg singgah jenguk pon jadi lah. hehehe
Barang2 Lina guna untuk decor ni byk Lina pinjam dan cost down material yang Lina beli kat Cowboy and dari pembekal brg pengatin. Barang2 decor ni lina ada buka untuk sewaan utk B2B yg berminat nk decor or yg cost down plan. hehehe. bleh view kat post ni ye.
So barang2 lina guna untuk decor lina bahagikan ikut bahagian k. Senang korang nk plan. Mood excited time plan. alhamdulillah. menjadi. =)
Untuk dinding:
1. Kain net putih semeter dlm RM4.50.
Untuk penuhkan dinding bilik Lina pakai 4 keping x 3 meter panjang. So beli 12 meter potong 3 meter stp 1. Labuh cntik klau smpai ke lantai ye. Klau dinding umh tnggi or rendah. Better ukur dlu tnggi dinding tu sbelum gunting kain. Utk pasang langsir Lina pakai tali je tau! sebab nanti sng nak buka xpyh la smpai nk pasang rail langsir tu. ade lagi bagus.
Lina rembat langsir mak Lina je. Tu pon langsir mak Lina pasang untuk bilik stor. hahaha. lawa je tgok lina rembat je la. cost down 1. hehe
2. Kain langsir putih chiffon soft. 2 keping.
Ni Lina pinjam dgn kawan Lina die beli time die DIY mini pelamin tunang die. RM12 beli kat mydin.
Cost down no 2. hehe
3. Tali ikat kain langsir.
Lina beli kat Nagoya. Dalam RM4 sepasang. Lina beli 2 pasang sbb nk bgi cntik bila ikat tgh2 nnt.
4. Wall paper atau pembalut hadiah.
Wallpaper ni Lina beli wrapper atau bahasa mudah pembalut hadiah je sebenarnya. Lina beli kat Cowboy. corak polkadot. Sebungkus dlm 4 ringgit ade 10 keping. Jatuh harga dalam 40 sen sekeping. JIMAT! Lina pakai 9 keping untuk dptkan 3x3 muat dgn kepala katil. Lina pilih color biru sbb langsir dh warna putih kan. so kat sni kena pndai mix & match k! =)
1. Pastikan katil tgh2 dinding or org ckp center.
2. Lekatkan wallpaper or kertas wrapper tu. 3x3 k. sekeping tu pndai2 la balut hadiah ape2 nnt k. hihi
3. Paku kiri kanan dh tengah2 dinding sblh ats utk sangkut getah langsir. Lina pakai getah langsir je. mcm gmbr bwh ni. semeter dlm 30 sen kot.
Harini nak kongsi pengalaman dan cara-cara Lina gunakan untuk decor bilik pengatin yang Lina buat DIY je. =) Sebab kekangan kesihatan mak yang xberapa sihat, pelamin terpaksa dibatalkan tapi kami amek keputusan buat majlis simple but memorable. So just hias bilik pengantin utk kawan dtg singgah jenguk pon jadi lah. hehehe
Barang2 Lina guna untuk decor ni byk Lina pinjam dan cost down material yang Lina beli kat Cowboy and dari pembekal brg pengatin. Barang2 decor ni lina ada buka untuk sewaan utk B2B yg berminat nk decor or yg cost down plan. hehehe. bleh view kat post ni ye.
So barang2 lina guna untuk decor lina bahagikan ikut bahagian k. Senang korang nk plan. Mood excited time plan. alhamdulillah. menjadi. =)
Untuk dinding:
1. Kain net putih semeter dlm RM4.50.
Untuk penuhkan dinding bilik Lina pakai 4 keping x 3 meter panjang. So beli 12 meter potong 3 meter stp 1. Labuh cntik klau smpai ke lantai ye. Klau dinding umh tnggi or rendah. Better ukur dlu tnggi dinding tu sbelum gunting kain. Utk pasang langsir Lina pakai tali je tau! sebab nanti sng nak buka xpyh la smpai nk pasang rail langsir tu. ade lagi bagus.
Lina rembat langsir mak Lina je. Tu pon langsir mak Lina pasang untuk bilik stor. hahaha. lawa je tgok lina rembat je la. cost down 1. hehe
2. Kain langsir putih chiffon soft. 2 keping.
Ni Lina pinjam dgn kawan Lina die beli time die DIY mini pelamin tunang die. RM12 beli kat mydin.
Cost down no 2. hehe
3. Tali ikat kain langsir.
Lina beli kat Nagoya. Dalam RM4 sepasang. Lina beli 2 pasang sbb nk bgi cntik bila ikat tgh2 nnt.
4. Wall paper atau pembalut hadiah.
Wallpaper ni Lina beli wrapper atau bahasa mudah pembalut hadiah je sebenarnya. Lina beli kat Cowboy. corak polkadot. Sebungkus dlm 4 ringgit ade 10 keping. Jatuh harga dalam 40 sen sekeping. JIMAT! Lina pakai 9 keping untuk dptkan 3x3 muat dgn kepala katil. Lina pilih color biru sbb langsir dh warna putih kan. so kat sni kena pndai mix & match k! =)
1. Pastikan katil tgh2 dinding or org ckp center.
2. Lekatkan wallpaper or kertas wrapper tu. 3x3 k. sekeping tu pndai2 la balut hadiah ape2 nnt k. hihi
3. Paku kiri kanan dh tengah2 dinding sblh ats utk sangkut getah langsir. Lina pakai getah langsir je. mcm gmbr bwh ni. semeter dlm 30 sen kot.
4. Sulam 2 helai kain net dulu lps tu 2 kain langsir putih then baki lagi 2 kain net. kira kain langsir plain white tu tgh2 k. =)
5. Ikat langsir putih yg 2 tgh2 tu dgn cara slps ikat tarik klr mcm tarik klr baju bila sisip dlm seluar tu. Untuk dapatkan alunan langsir tu.
Untuk tepi katil. Lina tak letak side table, Lina letak lampu chandeliar. (boleh sewa dari Lina k!)
Pastu Lina letak latern ball kat ats lampu tu, asal plan nk sangkut ats dinding, tapi asyik jatuh je. last2 letak je ats chandeliar tu. hehehe.
Cadar pengantin
Lina penat survey cadar pengantin ni. boleh dikatakan sgt mahal ok either kat Nilai pon harga smpai RM500 keats. So kpla Lina pikir, beli cadar biasa tapi yg licin org ckp yg berkilat and lps kawin leh pkai lagi. cost down 3. Lina pon tarik la en tunang skrg dh jadi suami la kan, msuk Jusco. Belek2 ade cadar bunga2 skit then warna putih kelabu biru harga pon not bad dlm RM280 je. siap comforter tu yg mahal skit kan. normal la. Lina beli queen size sbb katil queen size.
Hias depan katil
Lina beli carpet bulu2 tu kat Nilai. dlm RM50-RM70. dah lupa harga dia. mcm gmbr bwh ni. kaler agak lari skit sbb warna kelabu xde. amek color coklat sbb nnt leh pkai nk mix & match ltk bwh coffee table ke. cost down 4. hehe
Hujung kiri bilik ade meja make up, Lina letak pasu ng fresh flower biru, bunga kekwa ja. bunga tu color biru. Bila flash depan cermin nmpk cntik kat corner. =)
Untuk hiasan ats katil. Lina DIY swan putih. couple. Ni Lina bljar kat youtube je. nnt ade masa Lina share k. Klau yg tak sabar leh email Lina. Email ade kat sblh kiri blog tu.
So gmbr bwh ni hasil DIY bilik pengatin oleh Lina. Ade ng hantaran Lina DIY jugak theme biru ng bunga matahari utk pihak lelaki. Bekas tu leh sewa klau ade yg nk DIY k. hehehe
Feel free klau nak tny ape2 kat comment bawah ni k or leh email.
Happy DIY B2B!
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Hukum merokok di Malaysia!
Good day bloggers!!!
its been a long time i left this blog.
starting new life from 1 to 2 somehow eating my time.
how's my new life??? one word.
So to B2B and single ladies out there, get marry dear! do it now!!! its will bring you to new life. insyaALLAH
ok then.. back to topic for today.
i saw most of my friend getting noticed about this nowadays.. HUKUM MEROKOK or
what Islam concept on smoking today.
it's HARAM!
after 400 ulamak with supporting from the verse from al -quran
"do not make your own hands the cause of your own destruction"
video that might change a smoker mind set:
Conclusion from video:
- from a "haram" gas combine to blood does produce semen (air mani) that's will be a sperm to give you a child and those coming from "haram" source.
- all your prayer will not be granted by ALLAH as is coming for a mouth that hold a "haram" source.
my husband was a smoker when i knew him. but after a first day we having lunch.
he ask me to went in first and i knew that time he was approaching his friend to inhale a dirty and "haram" gas. i text one single massage to him but at the time we was just a friend.
"stop smoking, is not good for your health."
yuppp... is not that easy like you rub blackboard using duster. give them ample time too.
syukur alhamdulillah...he able to stop it. thank you sayang. =)
so...for ladies or boys out there... if you or your partner just finish smoking, do think it wisely...
stop before it becomes more worse thus can cause a lung cancer.
love your self at least for your love one!
Friday, June 7, 2013
Sewaan Lampu Chandeliar Melaka, Sewaan bantal akad Melaka, Sewaan payung lace Melaka & stand flower Melaka!
Hi B2B Melaka!!!
Lina berbesar hati untuk buka sewaan untuk barang2 kahwin Lina. Hanya area Melaka.
Lina berbesar hati untuk buka sewaan untuk barang2 kahwin Lina. Hanya area Melaka.
Item 1: Lampu chandeliar putih:
1 unit = RM70
1 unit = RM50
1 unit = RM25
2 unit = RM40

Item 5: Bekas Hantaran Kayu

Item 6: Stand flower kerawang
Item 4: Bantal Hantaran
7 unit + 1 box utk cincin @ gelang

Item 5: Bekas Hantaran Kayu
6 unit bakul + 2 unit kotak

Item 6: Stand flower kerawang
1 unit: RM60
Self pick-up Tesco Cheng, Melaka.
Contact info:
Contact info:
Phone: 013-5012832
1st come 1 served! Happy DIY B2B!
Monday, April 29, 2013
Monday, March 11, 2013
11 DAYS!!!
This is my lucky number!!! 11
i'm counting the days now. 11 days more. i'm still not finish prepare for our BIG DAY! hahaha.
too much to do but too less i'm already done. =P
YaALLAH..permudahkan urusan hambaMu ini.aaaminn..=)
i'm counting the days now. 11 days more. i'm still not finish prepare for our BIG DAY! hahaha.
too much to do but too less i'm already done. =P
YaALLAH..permudahkan urusan hambaMu ini.aaaminn..=)
Saturday, February 23, 2013
1 month left!!!
1 month!
i'm ready to be his partner forever?
do i?
May this new life will be praise by ALLAH s.w.t
and we life to be love forever in He's path. InsyaALLAH.
Wedding Cards is ready!!! =)
Our wedding cards already here... hehehe. 10 minutes before lunch time yesterday got called from ZR galeri. so due to its Friday lunch break can be a bit longer so I just go and take it. =)
Its nice to invite people to come to our wedding yet both us happy with this cards. Soon need to distribute and mood seem still unbelievable that both of us getting close to new part of life already. We keep remind each other that " We getting marry dear". =) alhamdulillah.
Our wedding cards already here... hehehe. 10 minutes before lunch time yesterday got called from ZR galeri. so due to its Friday lunch break can be a bit longer so I just go and take it. =)
Its nice to invite people to come to our wedding yet both us happy with this cards. Soon need to distribute and mood seem still unbelievable that both of us getting close to new part of life already. We keep remind each other that " We getting marry dear". =) alhamdulillah.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Baju Nikah
So far up to now surely everything still up and down. hahahaha. Due to last minutes problem from my relative, we have to upside down change plan.
alhamdulillah. like a water settle a big fire. simple!
So due to change plan, we have to get our own "baju nikah". We will wear this during the precious moment of change our life from (you&me) to (us!)
Simple, nice and cheaper...i'll share you a real pic after 1month 2 weeks ok! =)
1 month 1 week 1 day....
Getting close and much more closer day by day. i'm very worry if i miss any for my BIG DAY!So far up to now surely everything still up and down. hahahaha. Due to last minutes problem from my relative, we have to upside down change plan.
Like seriously??? (-___-")
And i nearly cut my breath. huh! But is normal when you dealing with so many people and they are coming from different side and edges. My recipe when dealing with this..
At 1st minute: who is going to marry?
At 5 minutes: am i too over the limit?
At 30 minutes: BOOM!!!
calling him...
1st minute: i'm sad. bla..bla...( share the problem)
he reply within 2 sec... "sabar" be patient.
alhamdulillah. like a water settle a big fire. simple!
So due to change plan, we have to get our own "baju nikah". We will wear this during the precious moment of change our life from (you&me) to (us!)
Simple, nice and cheaper...i'll share you a real pic after 1month 2 weeks ok! =)
Friday, January 25, 2013
BBQ at Pengkalan Balak
last week I have good weekend. I joined BBQ with his shift at Pengkalan Balak, Malacca. the event start by 2pm supposedly but well for sure it drag to 3pm. its normal unless for formal event you might be punctual right? huhuhu
He need to handle about drink, plate and charcoal. Nowadays charcoal quite expensive meh???. A pack cost RM6. ~.~" last time as what i remember just around RM3. Selection in the corner everything raise up meh???
We took place ending of beach but we have to paid RM1 per person as the place was "well keep" by the "town pak cik'. seldom village people talk using "i" or "you"... they try to nego the price because we were coming as group more that 20, so they nego to just count by group but "town pak cik" was not cooperate with us. so still paid RM1 per head. o_O
We have chicken and "cecaru" fish to be BBQ!!! the chicken was superb!!! i hope i can get the recipe and share here next time k. hihihi
last week I have good weekend. I joined BBQ with his shift at Pengkalan Balak, Malacca. the event start by 2pm supposedly but well for sure it drag to 3pm. its normal unless for formal event you might be punctual right? huhuhu
He need to handle about drink, plate and charcoal. Nowadays charcoal quite expensive meh???. A pack cost RM6. ~.~" last time as what i remember just around RM3. Selection in the corner everything raise up meh???
We took place ending of beach but we have to paid RM1 per person as the place was "well keep" by the "town pak cik'. seldom village people talk using "i" or "you"... they try to nego the price because we were coming as group more that 20, so they nego to just count by group but "town pak cik" was not cooperate with us. so still paid RM1 per head. o_O
We have chicken and "cecaru" fish to be BBQ!!! the chicken was superb!!! i hope i can get the recipe and share here next time k. hihihi
Thursday, January 24, 2013
25th Birthday
I'm turned 25 yrs. it was on weekdays and he also in night shift. nothing i can do just call my mum and thankful her for choosing me as her child.
but we did enjoy "roti canai" so called birthday cake. =P
its not how high your cake level nor how big your party is but how many person wishing you and blessing on my birthday. thank you for all prayers.
a week later...
my office mate make kinda supprise celebration for me and also k.aniza. we enjoy lunch at Ayam Penyet Api, Tesco Cheng, Malacca and also thank you for nice "pandan" & coconut cake. ITS DIFFERENT TASTE! i suggest reader to try. they bought at King's Bakery.
I'm turned 25 yrs. it was on weekdays and he also in night shift. nothing i can do just call my mum and thankful her for choosing me as her child.
but we did enjoy "roti canai" so called birthday cake. =P
its not how high your cake level nor how big your party is but how many person wishing you and blessing on my birthday. thank you for all prayers.
a week later...
my office mate make kinda supprise celebration for me and also k.aniza. we enjoy lunch at Ayam Penyet Api, Tesco Cheng, Malacca and also thank you for nice "pandan" & coconut cake. ITS DIFFERENT TASTE! i suggest reader to try. they bought at King's Bakery.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Hiv test at Alor Gajah
In order to complete "nikah" form, the mandatory is the HIV test and minor is Thalassemia. To do this test only goverment hospital and clinic valid. Therefore, both of us choose nearest hospital which is Hospital Alor Gajah. We walk down to out patient area and ask at counter to do HIV test. Nurse in charge of counter said the HIV test is done at "Klinik Ibu & Anak" which means clinic mother & child which just located 100m from the hospital. So we decide just walk. =)
Its take longer time to fill up the form rather the waiting for blood test. huhuhu.Alhamdulillah, for HIV test is non- reactive!!! for Thalassemia I'm not do the blood test since I already done before on medical check-up and its negative too. I fit enough to enter new live with stranger. hehehe
Now both of us need to complete the form and submit to Iman. =)
In order to complete "nikah" form, the mandatory is the HIV test and minor is Thalassemia. To do this test only goverment hospital and clinic valid. Therefore, both of us choose nearest hospital which is Hospital Alor Gajah. We walk down to out patient area and ask at counter to do HIV test. Nurse in charge of counter said the HIV test is done at "Klinik Ibu & Anak" which means clinic mother & child which just located 100m from the hospital. So we decide just walk. =)
Its take longer time to fill up the form rather the waiting for blood test. huhuhu.Alhamdulillah, for HIV test is non- reactive!!! for Thalassemia I'm not do the blood test since I already done before on medical check-up and its negative too. I fit enough to enter new live with stranger. hehehe
Now both of us need to complete the form and submit to Iman. =)
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Air Panas Gadek, Alor Gajah / Gadek Hot Spring, Alor Gajah
Today wanna share some interesting place that you might consider if you be around Melaka.
This place is open 24 hours!
Place: Air Panas Gadek, Alor Gajah, Melaka
Fee: Adult - RM5, children - RM3, below 6yrs - free
I have been to one Hot Spring Tambun but it not a nature hot spring. So this "Air Panas Gadek" a nature hot spring was really hot! Even the warmest pool I cannot bear for longer time. Last time I even can swimming around the pool at Tambun.. hahaha. but for this, I even not try the hot one. May be during my visit there less visitor since that time is AJL night. So heat transfer loss is less and as result the warmest pool become hot too. hehehe
Today wanna share some interesting place that you might consider if you be around Melaka.
This place is open 24 hours!
Place: Air Panas Gadek, Alor Gajah, Melaka
Fee: Adult - RM5, children - RM3, below 6yrs - free
I have been to one Hot Spring Tambun but it not a nature hot spring. So this "Air Panas Gadek" a nature hot spring was really hot! Even the warmest pool I cannot bear for longer time. Last time I even can swimming around the pool at Tambun.. hahaha. but for this, I even not try the hot one. May be during my visit there less visitor since that time is AJL night. So heat transfer loss is less and as result the warmest pool become hot too. hehehe
But fun enough to relax and rejuvenate your body and skin. =)
Friday, January 4, 2013
DIY paper bag for door gift
today post gonna be about door gift. DIY door gift somehow need lots of effort. Start to plan having DIY paper bag for my BIG DAY! so google some example kinda lots of B2B using brown/white paper bag with doilies paper for their DIY paper beg.
Here sample that i wanted to have but i'm not that "rajin" to do this. hehehe..
Its look nicer too and after survey, below the price i got area melaka.
Brown paper beg : RM3.60/100pcs - Cowboy, Cheng Malacca
Doilies paper : RM10/250pcs - Doilies paper facebook.
Ribbon polka-dot: RM3.20/10meter
Color paper: 80mg RM1.40/10pcs (1pcs 6 card,10 x 6 = 60cards)
price for 1 DIY paper bag around 15sen!!! but time + effort should consider too ok. =)
I might give a drink for door gift and i worry that the base of brown paper bag cannot support. This brown paper that i saw in Cowboy, Cheng Malacca really soft paper and it don't have base!!! i did saw some B2B make the base using recycle box. Hello!!! to cut a thick box may burst your mode plus hurts your hand too. Like ninimohd also make it DIY she also struggle to finish the base.
Because of that, i gonna have only 300 door gift. so i just bought ready make paper bag!!! its cost around 0.30sen only!!! i bought it yesterday. 300pcs = RM88.50. Because i'm sharing with my sister so i just pay RM44.25.
Because it just a plain paper bag, i decide to deco with simple card. Here i share with you how my paper bag looks alike. DIY card + ready made paper bag.. hehehe.
i plan to tied with ribbon too. and this paper bag thick enough to support a drink i wanted to gave. =)
Paper bag now DONE!!!
today post gonna be about door gift. DIY door gift somehow need lots of effort. Start to plan having DIY paper bag for my BIG DAY! so google some example kinda lots of B2B using brown/white paper bag with doilies paper for their DIY paper beg.
Here sample that i wanted to have but i'm not that "rajin" to do this. hehehe..
Its look nicer too and after survey, below the price i got area melaka.
Brown paper beg : RM3.60/100pcs - Cowboy, Cheng Malacca
Doilies paper : RM10/250pcs - Doilies paper facebook.
Ribbon polka-dot: RM3.20/10meter
Color paper: 80mg RM1.40/10pcs (1pcs 6 card,10 x 6 = 60cards)
price for 1 DIY paper bag around 15sen!!! but time + effort should consider too ok. =)
I might give a drink for door gift and i worry that the base of brown paper bag cannot support. This brown paper that i saw in Cowboy, Cheng Malacca really soft paper and it don't have base!!! i did saw some B2B make the base using recycle box. Hello!!! to cut a thick box may burst your mode plus hurts your hand too. Like ninimohd also make it DIY she also struggle to finish the base.
Because of that, i gonna have only 300 door gift. so i just bought ready make paper bag!!! its cost around 0.30sen only!!! i bought it yesterday. 300pcs = RM88.50. Because i'm sharing with my sister so i just pay RM44.25.
Because it just a plain paper bag, i decide to deco with simple card. Here i share with you how my paper bag looks alike. DIY card + ready made paper bag.. hehehe.
i plan to tied with ribbon too. and this paper bag thick enough to support a drink i wanted to gave. =)
Paper bag now DONE!!!
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