In Malaysia wedding ceremony seem one of big celebration of that family. For bride of cause her wedding arch or in Malay we called "Pelamin".
B2B like me not going to miss having nice pelamin like others. hehehe. B2B that have lots of free time sometimes make their own pelamin. DIY pelamin. Do It Yourself!
Here is I share with you some nice for my taste of pelamin.
1(a) Pelamin Vintage Style the backdrop. Simple!
1(b) Pelamin Merah&Putih (Red& White) Exclusive in Red!
2 Pelamin Taman (Garden Theme)
3 Pelamin Off White. Simple&Exclusive!
4 Pelamin Exclusive! Lucky bride you get this pelamin!
5 Pelamin roses! I want some like this for me too!!! =)
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